ঢাকা ০৬:১৬ পূর্বাহ্ন, রবিবার, ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪, ১৪ আশ্বিন ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ

Marriage rates than rural and northern … Principal Asadul Haque

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  • আপডেট টাইম : ১১:১৫:১৫ অপরাহ্ন, শনিবার, ১৪ নভেম্বর ২০১৫
  • ৩৭২ বার

In Bangladesh, 18 percent of girls are married before the age of 73. Plan International, an international organization “Getting the evidence: Asia Child Marriage Initiative study on this disturbing information has come up. The Bangladesh, Indonesia and Pakistan, have been compared. The two countries are worse than that. What is more alarming, 1 in 7 percent of girls are married by age 14. Besides, the marriage rate is only two percent to 8 percent of boys. The research results were published on Tuesday officially Nawab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban of Dhaka University. Always active and vocal women’s organizations in the country against marriage. There is something about marriage laws. Noises about the high levels seen in the middle. But the marriage continues unabated. If there was an awareness of urban slums in the capital of the region, the rural areas the situation is different. North marriage rate is relatively high. The research report also gives information about our concerns alone! The issue was initially identified as the cause of marriage, one of them being the lack of opportunities for women in education, economic opportunity and lack of health care, extreme poverty, weak judicial system and the legal process, above all, the lack of social security, etc. The alarming data, in most cases by male gender, sexual violence and the extreme views of asamatake normal and logical to accept that works as a catalyst in marriage. The childhood and adolescence of a girl from school, he himself would have to feel insecure. She is a daughter of the family, he married his own motion, or to become an entrepreneur. In this context, the Chairman of the Human Rights Commission rightly says, the government is responsible for the security of every citizen. Turns out, the marriage was indirectly the government can not avoid its responsibility.
Millennium Development Goals, or MDGs, and what better than the success of Bangladesh in the SAARC countries have already praised the international arena. Satisfactory rate of decline in child mortality and primary education. However, to prevent student dropout rate at the grassroots level to promote more education. Education, especially for girls, contributes to the spread of learning so that they could become self-sufficient. This will reduce the rate of child marriage. Balyabiyesaha to achieve economic self-sufficiency of women will help to solve all kinds of problems. In this case, the government will have to take a specific and far-reaching decisions and plans.
the limited territory. The population is very low in proportion to the amount of land about 16 KT. Too great a problem as poverty, population alone It can be said, is a major problem. Unfortunately, this aspect is neglected and anirdesita. Strengthen family planning to prevent child marriage, as well as the reduction of the population growth to catch up. That is the highest level of government to relax the age of marriage for girls under 18 is going to be the attitude of the donamono. There seems to be no chance of existing conditions. And to resist at any cost, but highly recommended to prevent early marriages. The writer is chief editor of haorabarta

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Haor Barta24

Marriage rates than rural and northern … Principal Asadul Haque

আপডেট টাইম : ১১:১৫:১৫ অপরাহ্ন, শনিবার, ১৪ নভেম্বর ২০১৫

In Bangladesh, 18 percent of girls are married before the age of 73. Plan International, an international organization “Getting the evidence: Asia Child Marriage Initiative study on this disturbing information has come up. The Bangladesh, Indonesia and Pakistan, have been compared. The two countries are worse than that. What is more alarming, 1 in 7 percent of girls are married by age 14. Besides, the marriage rate is only two percent to 8 percent of boys. The research results were published on Tuesday officially Nawab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban of Dhaka University. Always active and vocal women’s organizations in the country against marriage. There is something about marriage laws. Noises about the high levels seen in the middle. But the marriage continues unabated. If there was an awareness of urban slums in the capital of the region, the rural areas the situation is different. North marriage rate is relatively high. The research report also gives information about our concerns alone! The issue was initially identified as the cause of marriage, one of them being the lack of opportunities for women in education, economic opportunity and lack of health care, extreme poverty, weak judicial system and the legal process, above all, the lack of social security, etc. The alarming data, in most cases by male gender, sexual violence and the extreme views of asamatake normal and logical to accept that works as a catalyst in marriage. The childhood and adolescence of a girl from school, he himself would have to feel insecure. She is a daughter of the family, he married his own motion, or to become an entrepreneur. In this context, the Chairman of the Human Rights Commission rightly says, the government is responsible for the security of every citizen. Turns out, the marriage was indirectly the government can not avoid its responsibility.
Millennium Development Goals, or MDGs, and what better than the success of Bangladesh in the SAARC countries have already praised the international arena. Satisfactory rate of decline in child mortality and primary education. However, to prevent student dropout rate at the grassroots level to promote more education. Education, especially for girls, contributes to the spread of learning so that they could become self-sufficient. This will reduce the rate of child marriage. Balyabiyesaha to achieve economic self-sufficiency of women will help to solve all kinds of problems. In this case, the government will have to take a specific and far-reaching decisions and plans.
the limited territory. The population is very low in proportion to the amount of land about 16 KT. Too great a problem as poverty, population alone It can be said, is a major problem. Unfortunately, this aspect is neglected and anirdesita. Strengthen family planning to prevent child marriage, as well as the reduction of the population growth to catch up. That is the highest level of government to relax the age of marriage for girls under 18 is going to be the attitude of the donamono. There seems to be no chance of existing conditions. And to resist at any cost, but highly recommended to prevent early marriages. The writer is chief editor of haorabarta